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Retiring Without Risk

Retiring Without Risk – The Book

The following comes from the Foreword of Retiring Without Risk: “This book is dedicated to readers who are looking for understandable answers to the following questions:

  1. Is investing money in the stock market the “best” place to grow wealth?
  2. Notwithstanding all the hype about how well the stock market has done over the last 20+ years, what are the real statistics showing what the “average” investor has actually earned when invested in the stock market (the answer is shocking)?
  3. How do you build a tax-free retirement nest egg in the most efficient and least risky manner possible?
  4. Does it make financial sense to overfund a tax-deferred qualified retirement plan or IRA?
  5. Is “Retirement Life” insurance a good financial tool to build wealth for retirement?
  6. Are there wealth-building tools that can guarantee you a 6-8% rate of return?
  7. Are there wealth-building tools that can guarantee you a lifetime income you can never outlive?

Our Philosophy

Retiring Without Risk(RWR) is both a book and a philosophy by which our firm gives advice to clients. Our philosophy is to help clients reach their financial, estate, and tax-planning goals in the least risky manner possible with the least amount of taxes paid while living and upon death.

FREE chapter of Retiring Without Risk

The author of RWR has allowed our firm to post one of the chapters from his book for reading on this site for free. It is Chapter 4 where he explains the math of building wealth with tax-deferred 401(k) plans vs. stocks/mutual funds vs. Retirement Life™. We believe you will find the material eye opening and the math easy to follow.To download the chapter for free, please click here.

FREE copy of Retiring Without Risk

We give to every client or potential client a copy of Retiring Without Risk. If you are a current client and do not have your copy yet, please e-mail info@wealthpreservationproducts.com

If you are a potential new client and would like a copy for free, we provide a copy for anyone who makes an appointment to meet with one of our advisors face to face. We like to provide a copy of the book before the initial meeting so we can answer questions about the concepts discussed in the book at the meeting. If you would like to set up an appointment so we can ship you a copy of Retiring Without Risk please e-mail info@wealthpreservationproducts.com.

More About The Book

Retiring Without Risk

The aged old question is: where “the best” place to build wealth for retirement? The answer will depend on an individual’s situation, but this book was created to as an authoritative guide to help readers:

This is a book we recommend all of our prospective clients read and as such, we provide a copy free of charge to those who show a serious interest in working with our firm to protect and grow their wealth. If would like to discuss how you can obtain a copy of this book and learn more about how our firm can help you, please e-mail info@wealthpreservationproducts.com.
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